Date: 22-08-2024
Event Report
On 22 August 2024, Department of Agriculture under the aegis of IQAC and SBBSU IIC conducted an activity of mentoring session on Start-up Minimum Viable product under Farm Machinery and Power and Diary. Dr. J M Wadhwa, Retd. Professor from HAU, Hissar explained the students of B.Sc. (Hons.) Agriculture about the progressive Farmer who can earn and also give employment to the people of nearby society. He explained the students that what kind Farm Machinery is needed to become a leading farmer and entrepreneur in the society. He explained the working of machinery used in the farming such as Diesel generator, Happy seeder, Super seeder, Potato digger, Harvester, Combine Machines, Disc harrow and Tiller. He also explained that role of dairy and other products which can be harnessed by the farmer to become successful. Students visited the Dera Sahib of Sant Baba Bhag Singh and observed the farm machinery and dairy of the Dera Sahib. 35 students and 2 Professor (Dr. Vikrant Jaryan and Dr. Shalu Vyas) along with expert took part in the mentoring session.